Monday, February 18, 2013

Dave does cool stuff

   Here Dave is, jumping stuff again. He's so good at it! In other news, the boy has been offered a full tuition scholarship from Minnesota, so we very well might be moving there this summer. We still have four other schools to hear back from so it's not a done deal yet, but it's definitely in the running. Minnesota is a beautiful state and I wouldn't mind it for our next adventure, though, let's be honest: winter, eh? MN has it in spades and I'm kind of a wimp about the cold and snow...I'll have to put my big girl pants on and deal, I guess. Bloom where you're planted, etc.
    This is the stuff of my daydreams, lately. I like to envision us packing our lives across the country to some little apartment in an unexplored city, taking on this new challenge together. Maybe I'll work and maybe Dave will get an internship in Africa...who knows. It's fun to dream.

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