Friday, August 14, 2015

Zion National Park: Angels Landing

The second day at the park we went to Angels Landing. It is listed as "strenuous" but we were like, eh, we're experienced hikers, we have the carriers for the children, it'll be fine. And it was amazing! Amazingly strenuous! And we probably heard some variation of "look at those crazy people with kids on their backs," in ten different languages, and it was so hot and exposed that we guzzled almost all our water before we got back down.

But the views were worth it - breath-taking. There was a part at the top where I wondered if we would be featured in Elder Holland's next conference talk (he shared a poignant but terrifying story of two brothers rock climbing in Snow Canyon in UT last April - to watch, click here), and I was super scared my sweaty palms would slip off the safety chain and we would die so I turned back while Dave climbed a bit further. I have a very rational fear of heights.

But Dave and Riley returned to us safely - Dave said he didn't go the whole way - too risky. 
The steep hike back down was trying in different muscles, but easier than going up!

There's a quote: "You can't enjoy the feeling of the summit from the parking lot." Well I love the feeling of the summit but, after a long hike, I might like the feeling of the parking lot even more! It was a relief to get back and fill our bottles to the brim with refreshing cold water from the pump! And sit and take off those darn carriers! This is probably our last hike carrying kids that much, Riley at least. Dave was carrying at least 50 lbs on his back, kid and water and snacks. I had about forty. But you know what, go us! *pats self on the back. My legs were like jello after and we both had rub marks on our hips from hauling, but the challenge was met! 

After a very pleasant bus ride back we took the scenic route out of the park, which includes a mile-long tunnel, mountain goats, and more interesting rock formations. If we'd cared to tack on a few more hours we could have gone over to Bryce Canyon this way, which I love (last trip here), but we were all ready to go home. Word to the wise: there are not a lot of places to stop at food-wise. We had spoonfuls and peanut butter for dinner, and some grapes and trisquits and twizzlers - you know, the last of the road trip food. The kids thought it was fantastic! By the time we stopped at a gas station/Burger King at 7pm, they weren't even hungry. 

Our kids are good sports.

As are all the Harreld clan. They are such a fun group to hike with and this weekend was awesome! Thank you, Don and Suzette for making this happen and for having us! You are adventurous folk, loving grandparents, generous spirits, and just fun to be with. You couldn't ask for better!

And to end: a compilation of videos we took on this trip. A lot of it is just scenery, but FYI, I thought of you, Dad, every time a bus tour said "Geological wonder of the world" and throughout our visit - you would love it out there. Actually, past tense: you loved it out there, right? Went as camping there when you were a kid? Anyway, thought of you!

The End.

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