Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome 2014

Today we said goodbye to Jon and Dave as well, for a whole week. It was very sad. But we are holding down the fort pretty well.  

Our day, in pictures:

His Royal Highness, King Joseph.
And Riley, his speedster of a sister.

Riley, a monster mug, and some fishy kisses to send Daddy's way.

Then she declared herself an "Upside-down-osaurus" and asked to be put to bed. Early.
I tell you, that girl is going places.

New Year's Resolutions anyone? I have never invested much in 'em, but last year I had a single word, "Gratitude," and that seemed to work pretty well. At least, it stuck in my mind and I do think I am a bit more grateful because of it.

For this year I have been deciding between "Faith" (as in calm the heck down, cause I worry too much) or "Scriptures." The second might be the more practical, and surely would lend itself to the first. But I could just go crazy and have two words in my 2014 theme...why not?


  1. What's wrong with upside-down-osaurus for your new years resolution word! Works for me!

  2. Dave says "luckily your blogging skills are much better than your cookie decorating skills. Is that swamp thing?" He loves you.

  3. Heidiiiii!! I'm glad to see you are all doing so well! One day we will live in the same city again and it will be magical... At least I really really hope so!
