Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Post for January

How about I list some things I've liked about this monster of a month, the first month of the rest of my life...
  • We have finally gotten well again (contagious sick people will be shot on sight so stay away!)
  • Our neighborhood in the evening looks like Whoville: colored by winter sunsets and muffled in beautiful snow.
  • The baby weight and mission weight are gone, may they rest in peace.
  • We hosted a curry night with some mission buds (recipes: chicken tikka and korma)
  • Played in the snow with Riley.
  • Navigated peanut butter-thick fog to get my hair chopped super short. I was feeling brave.
  • Our drafty house makes our babies even more snuggly. (Heaven is a baby dog-pile.)
  • The ambiance of our fire place.
  • Dave's beard (which he recently shaved but I have faith it will be back before winter's end) 
  • Aaaand....that it is almost over! February might get its own party, just for arriving!
 Babies growing up: Joe sits on his own now, and Riley is a big girl and soo over baby utensils. We give her a jar at dinner and she swigs from it with gusto and looks at us as if to say, "Nothing like drinking from a big peoples cup, am I right!" She also blesses our food intermittently throughout dinner. Probably in hopes that it will turn into pizza and coke, her preferred food groups.
 Joe has found a way he likes a pacifier, when Riley forces one on him. 

I love this picture: Riley is "praying" and Joe is proud.
Our indoor games have had to get a little creative/desperate. We stick buttons into milk jugs, do workout videos, play the parachute game with blankets, paint the table with yogurt, unfold/refold towels, blah blah blah. 
And what baby doesn't enjoy taking dives on the couch?

And THAT, clearly is all I have to say about January. I do NOT take my leave of you, I send no compliments to your mother, you deserve no such attention. If you don't know the movie I just quoted then I sound like a real weirdo. Nevermind, I kind of am.


  1. Heidi your bebes are so cute! And after that last quote I can totally hear Lady Catherine deBerg's voice in my head, so I guess I'm a weirdo too? Anyways, glad to hear y'all are sick anymore!

    1. Thanks Catherine! And I'm glad you appreciated the reference, fellow weirdo :)
