Two weeks ago the Dr. told us that we could start Riley on baby food. And finally, Halloween night, we got around to it (Riley had a cold so we didn't go out to party. We stayed in to party). I naively thought we would just add water to the rice cereal but it calls for breast milk or formula, so we thawed out some previously-pumped breast milk and stirred 5 Tbs. into 1 Tbs. of cereal. It was practically the consistency of cream - now I understand how some parents figure they can just put it in the bottle. But don't do that - Dr. said that can cause baby obesity and/or constipation and is only done for babies with severe acid reflux.
NOTE: I hope talking about breast milk and pumping doesn't make anyone puke. Or that this note makes you further uncomfortable. Since having a baby these things seem natural and un-embarrassing but I don't know if I always felt that way.
Totally NOT a boring video! I'm so excited she's eating from a spoon! That first spoonful was classic for her.