So there's that. And also:
I went into the holidays with a little more intention than years past. Historically, I have overloaded our December calendar with all the stuff. I say yes to all the stuff, bake all the stuff/eat all the stuff. Fear of missing out on anything Christmas has driven me to overindulge, to the detriment of physical and mental health. But thanks to some healthier thinking I've been working on this year, before Thanksgiving I did something rather genius, if I say so myself: I thought ahead and considered how I want to feel coming out of the holidays. Rather than creating a grand master list of all I wanted to do and how to squeeze the most out of the holidays, I visualized a post-holiday me, feeling uplifted, clear-headed, rested, spiritually fulfilled, healthy, heart-warmed, and grateful and generous, and went from there. I recalled that picture in my head as I made choices. Oh, we still baked cookies. We still did plenty of the fun stuff. But we had more wholesome, relaxed, "doesn't have to be perfect" fun than the fun that wears you down, or fun that has to meet some grand expectation. The glitz and glamor did not trump the general spirit and meaning of the season this year, and Momma did not loose her freaking mind.
Here's the list of what made the cut on this year's Christmas:
Christmas 2018 Memories
(including pictures mostly from my insta)
- Shopping with the kids individually, hearing their deliberations on what to get whom, and handing their own money to the cashier and counting their change with a shrewd eye. Then having an enjoyable conversation about sales tax.
- Singing with the choir in the Ward Christmas program
- Christmas concerts and singing the Hallelujah chorus
- Nutcracker ballet at the Landmark Center
- Caroling with choir members and their kids
- Making snowflakes and hanging them up
- Service at a food pantry: They filled food bags with such intensity, and wanted to go back the following day.
- Visit to Santa
- Cookie decorating
- Christmas Eve white elephant party
- "Sleep over" in the basement, watching holiday baking show and eating popcorn
- Reading the Christmas Carol
- Reading the scriptures
- Brunch with friends
- Church Christmas social
- Family nativity on Christmas morning, very much winged it. Still spiritual.
- Christmas church service followed by cookie munch and mingle
- Relief Society paint night of the Babe in a Manger
- Christmas Cards/letter: writing of, receiving of
- Ice Skating (Dave and the bigs - I stayed home with the littles. And I'm fine with that.)
- Hand-made gifts for teachers: embroidery on fabric to cover candy jar lids
Looking at this list I think, I actually could have pared down a bit more. But I do love all those fun Christmas activities. And I see in this list so much loving on others and being loved on, it really is a magical time.
I have this plaque that Mom gave us for Christmas one year - I think the last Christmas before she passed - that says, "The magic of Christmas never ends, because it's greatest gift is family and friends." I never thought about it beyond surface value, but it struck me this year in a new way. Christmas brings us together with family and friends, which is the best part of all those fun activities. But more than that, Christ's coming to earth and conquering death made it possible for us to have our loved ones forever. God's gift of his beloved son, and Christ's gift of his life and power, means that we do indeed have our loved ones with us forever. Those relationships will never end. And that is the magic of Christmas.
Linus said it better.
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
PS: Only 355 days till next Christmas ;)
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