Sunday, January 31, 2016

Faith, Family, and the 3rd Trimester

I went to a fantastic women's conference yesterday: Rejoicing in Faith and Family.  How awesome is it that the church puts on these events for us that are just above and beyond - it was inspiring and affirming, educational and totally free, though I would pay to do another one. It was just what the doctor ordered, actually, to get me out of my big ole 3rd trimester funk (starting the third trimester feels like the third part of a very long marathon. Actually, make that the middle of a very long marathon - that last three month stretch looks like quite an overwhelming hill to climb). The night before the conference I took these pictures:

Discovered there was no more "cute" angle, and then wrote this paragraph:
This week I entered the third trimester. One day I'm bubbling over about how awesome it is to not be puking and to have energy again, eating great and doing fun prego workouts on youtube, crocheting baby goods and daydreaming beautiful, tender daydreams. And the next day I tear up seeing pictures of my big belly and wondering how much bigger I can get in 3 months, waking up through the night every time I need to turn over or whenever I get a leg cramp. Popping tylenol for the SPD (look it up if you want to know. But FYI, the "P" is for pubis). Itchy exema covers my belly and my face is looking a little patchy (chloasma). The old ice craving is back, thanks iron deficiency, and I crunch on that stuff night and day. And sometimes, just to get a full breath of air, I have to puff out my chest and arch my back a little because this baby's so high and pressing on my lungs. And burning my heart. Joe is the official boot-remover, as in my boots, not his. Riley gave me a back rub while I was laying on the couch today and sighed, "oooh mooommy..."

I mean come on! I felt sorry for me too. Obviously. Hormones might have been involved. Anyways, whining is for wieners, but pregnancy is hard and that is the truth. I'm keeping this in the blog if only so that when it's all over and I forget the whole thing (to quote from the pregnant lady meltdown scene in "What to Expect When You're Expecting"), I don't go all smug and un-sympathetic to other peoples pregnancy woes. They are legit.


One of the first things I heard when I walked into the conference (late) was (to paraphrase),
"The devil doesn't so much tell us lies that are lies, but lies that are true. It is true that babies disrupt our lives, bodies, and sleep patterns. Satan gets us to focus on that. But the truth is: Heavenly Father's plan. Spirits need bodies and need to be raised by loving parents. It is true that bodies age and don't meet cultural ideals. That they all 'need help.' But the truth, the bottom line, is that bodies help us become like God..."
I was blown away. It was exactly what I needed to hear, and kind of an answer to prayer.  The speaker then went on to outline ways we can be defenders of marriage and family. How a happy marriage does not equal a carefree, easy life, but rather a committed, sacred union with each other, come what may. That parenting is hard, truly, but we should focus less on how hard it is and more on how beautiful sacrifice and love and commitment and being true to the Lord's will is, else why on earth would our children and the world want to take it on? Marriage and family will suffer if our attitude is poor and pity-seeking. When the fact is that life is hard no matter what stage you are in, but it is people who build on the positive that are happy. The Lord's plan, marriage, family should be celebrated.

Well, I could go on and on. Following the keynote speaker were three 40-minute sessions with classes to choose from (I went to For God Maketh My Heart Soft, Peace through Home and Self Organization, and Righteous Women: Fulfillment of Prophecy, but there were several others to choose from as well). They were all really well done. Helpful. A little tearful in some cases. And then there was a beautiful lunch and chit chat - everyone was discussing thoughts from the conference. Super delicious, super fun. Catered in part by Shirley's bakery and Molly's in Provo (yes that is worth a mention because it was really good.)

Then I went home and made cookies and crocheted. You know, to celebrate family :). Every now and then I'd wonder outside where Dave, Riley, Joe, plus a couple neighbor kids, were playing in the snow for over two hours. It was sublime. I wanted to bottle it up to have for the next time I feel overwhelmed. So I sort of did, by making this video using footage from the last couple snow storms and quotes/music that I heard at the conference.

And to wrap it up (church in ten!) let's balance out that early paragraph with:

Things I love about Marriage and Family:
  • Family meals: the talking as much as the eating
  • Family legacies, ancestors.
  • Miniature shoes, or anything - they're cute.
  • Support system of brothers sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents.
  • Little prayers. Even when Riley's asks God to make everyone do only what she wants them to do, and especially when they pray for things really important in their world, like puppies.
  • Little conversations. Joe: don't get your germs on it! Riley: But Joe, some germs are good! But the bad ones are really bad - they make you get old and die.
  • Dave playing with his kids. Any dad playing with their kids, but especially Dave. 
  • Exploring together, family trips.
  • Learning from each other.
  • Laughing together. Crying together. Sometimes back to back.
  • Reading the gospel together and teaching them about Jesus and God's love for them.
  • Playing games together. 
  • The miracle of pregnancy, labor and delivery, even if it is uncomfortable.
  • Baking together.
  • Anything together. Except toilet time. Privacy already!
  • Seeing them comprehend new things.
  • Watching them learn kindness.
  • Developing patience. Seriously - I'm proud of how far I've come, nevermind how far I've got to go.
  • Innocence, excitement, and interest in all the little things.
Good Sabbath, people!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love how you write! And thanks for the summary since I missed the conference. I look forward to it each year!
