Friday, January 30, 2015

These are the days

We've almost made it through January! Hoorah! Most of our snow melted weeks ago and now that temps have dropped again we sit in a deceptively mild-looking but secretely frozen landscape.

 Did you know our kids don't nap anymore? Haven't for several months now - if they fall asleep, say, in the car, they are up way late.  Here are some ways to spend the afternoon with no-nap toddlers:

I'm in documenting mode after reading this post recently and it sticking with me.
"Years later, and the little bundle that lay in the sling that morning at Coles will become a teenager this year, and begin high school next year. I try to conjure her voice at age two; the pitch, the tone, the divine mispronunciations. Those little things slip through our consciousness and become tiny memory fragments we will never feel, hear or smell again."
I know it's cliche but, these kids are growing up so stinkin' fast.  I don't want to forget the feel of their arms clutched around my neck and their little people lisps. Riley is in this really cute stage where she in any moment will twine her arms around us and say, "I love you." I will never be the first to let go of those hugs.

Let us also remember:

  • Riley fell on her behind at the grocery store today and came running, yelling that I needed to kiss her butt. She was most insistent so we had a talk about private parts there in the cereal aisle and at length she let me off the hook.
  • One of her favorite songs, "Lips Are Moving" was on and she was singing along like a pro but Joe didn't like it. He covered his ears and yelled, "Noise! Noise, noise, noise, noise, noise..." (quoting from the Grinch I think). I switched the station and a more masculine song came on  with a heavy beat and male vocals, and he got all excited. "Yeah! That's a Daddy song!"
    Took my carrots for noses.
  • When we were at the park I kept asking Riley if she was cold and should we go in and she kept saying no, no, no, but when we finally did go in and ran into Dave on our way up the stairs, both babies jumped him and were so excited to see him and Riley squealed, "I'm cold, Daddy! I told Mom I wasn't but I am!" Like, dude. I'm right here. haha
  • Riley always says, "Hey, guess what," before she tells on someone.
    Riley recalls this visit every time we pass Olive Garden now.
  • Joe loves to hide random things about his person. He usually has some little toy or key chain or marble in his hat on his head. Today he stuck a book up his shirt and then asked Dave to zip on his coat over it and when Dave asked him, "Over your book?" he got all shifty eyed and secretive like, "what book?" and wanted him to just "zip it." He also tried to wear a soccer ball under his hat on his head. It did not fit.
  • Dave and Riley used to rub noses like cute little woodland creatures. It's evolved into Riley just pressing her nose down on yours and she won't quit till you say "gross" and she laughs and goes away.
I think that covers all the important stuff. Dave, you should put your China pictures on here. He had one heck of a trip!

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