Thursday, April 3, 2014

Let the outdoorsing commence.

It's spring! It's snowing at the moment, but we did get out for our first walk in about five months yesterday!  
Ten minutes of shuffling later...we had cocoa and grilled cheese for lunch. All better!

I guess it is still a bit nippy. What can I say - I have been seduced by the the sunshine and the birds in the trees. Temperature be darned.

Last weekend we ventured to, "The Minneapolis Sculpture of the crown jewels of the city’s park system, uniting two of Minnesota’s most cherished resources—its green space and its cultural life." (I took that line from their website because it kinda cracked me up.) Turns out, the "crown jewel" really was quite impressive.
How's that for a backdrop??
After exploring all over the grounds and conservatory we had a picnic and then I said we should go back to the cherry on the spoon and get someone to take a family picture, since that never happens. And wouldn't you know it,  Joe stepped out on the semi-frozen reflecting pool and fell through for a second. I jumped in and hauled him out, with only one minor expletive! We stripped his wet clothes off, bundled him in my coat (luckily I layered) and that was that.
It was memorable, that's for sure. 

I love my gang. I couldn't ask for better adventurers to travel through life with.

OOOH - I had an amazing birthday last week too! Thanks to all who remembered with cards and gifts and phone calls and what have you - I felt totally loved. Dave got me gorgeous flowers and thoughtful gifts and we ate out. And I have had several "treat yo' self" days with the b-day dough and let me tell you - one of those included a movie, jamba, and new converses all before nap time and I felt like a kid playing hookie. I didn't know I would still need hookie days at 29, but now have a strong suspicion I will still be taking them at 99 too.


  1. What a hero! Joey is a trooper :) It made me happy that you treated yourself to a jamba :) (ps this is Suzie not Brian.)

    1. haha yes delicious Jamba Juice...there is one around the corner and I am tempted to go beg for a job so I can get my daily fix again :) And Joe is indeed a trooper! He took it much better than I would have!
