Friday, December 2, 2011

A few things to get off my chest

Ever since our roadtrip last week I've had this commercial on my mind and how well this business would do in New Mexico, both because of their honest advertising and their product:

Other things/confessions that have been on my mind:
  • Christmas SECRETS!!! Ah! I'm so bad with secrets but I will keep these if it kills me, and it might. When I was little Dad got Mom a ring for Christmas and I stoically held back, telling her, "I can't tell you but it's round and shiny and fits on your finger." So bad with secrets.
  • I am lazy about decorating: I didn't do a thing for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and so far, our Christmas decoration box has made it from the closet to the rocking chair but no further.
  • I am struggling with a weird inner battle of wanting to watch the new Twilight and avoiding it out of principle. I know its not quality entertainment - duh. And yet, that part of me that used to go see midnight showings of Twilight, Harry Potter, and High School Musical, is disappointed that I missed the hype.
  • I have had a grilled cheese sandwich and chocolate milk for lunch every day this week. And its Friday.

Note: Maybe these confessions are my subconscious's way of venting all that pressure build up from keeping secrets. I feel better.

Further Note: STOP, TWILIGHT FANS - before you delete me from your lives, please let me just say that I quite enjoyed the first Twilight book, but for me the vampire train derailed by the last book. And also I read this very persuasive article from NPR.


  1. We have not yet had a Christmas tree since we've been married. Because of pressure from family, last Christmas we did at least put up some light up garland on the mantle and hung ornaments in that. I'm hoping to avoid decorating all together this year. We've never decorated for any other holiday.
    Abby is the worse secret keeper I know. If you tell her "don't tell___". She will automatically go and tell them. If you tell her its a secret, she runs to whom ever is closest to her and blabs.
    I've never gone to the midnight showing of anything. Nor have I ever seen a High School Musical. I have seen the first two Twilights because Angie had them and I was at your parents' house with no alternative form of entertainment.
    Any day where I have to actually prepare food, we have grilled cheese. Luckily my girls are content with eating at Ruby Tuesday or having string cheese, an apple, and crackers for lunch.
    Also, I don't like the mole on that girl's face for the video still image.

  2. Heidi! Just found your blog! Love it. I also love chocolate milk and I am now craving it :) And Bravo on your dislike for twilight! There is so much about it I thoroughly loathe but I never mention it publicly as people are so emotionally attached to the characters.
