Friday, October 26, 2012

Let it snow!

Riley's first snow (as a person who cares) has occurred! It was exciting - there was jumping up and down and lots and lots of giggling. That was from the window seal. I opened the door and cautious reverence set in. She tottered out in her pajamas and I let her drag her fingers through it before I bundled her in to get dressed.

Back in for cocoa, in time to watch the snow melt and for our power to go off for an hour. First snow and a power outage. Welcome, winter!

It warmed up a lot later but the wind felt icy. Even icier when we left for the park and I realized I'd locked the keys in the house...luckily Dave works close by and could come home and let us back in. 

 Did I mention Joseph is past the three month mark now? Where'd that go??

 Ah, the many faces of Joe. Clockwise starting on the left: pooh bear smile, consternation, gleeful delight.


aaaaand snuggly nap face

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