Here's some things about Henry:
- First tooth: 6mo
- Rolled: 4mo
- First camping trip: 6mo
- Crawled: 7mo
- Walked: 10.5mo
- First swim: 3 weeks
- First clap: today! He clapped today! All that birthday celebrating did it!
- Started sleeping through the night: never. He will never sleep through the night.
- Bonks on the head: like a thousand. He is extremely tip-able.
- Foods that he likes more than breast milk: 0
- Rocking in his little rocking chair
- Wrestling with his siblings
- Dancing, even if just to the rhythm of the dishwasher
- Bath time and water in general
- Bacon
- Remotes
- Getting anyone to chase him (at least half the allure of the remotes)
- Drawers, drawers, lids
- Activities way beyond his abilities - if he sees brother or sister doing it, he wants to do it! Does not like being left out.
- Welcoming home anyone that walks through the door - he has a very keen ear, and a wonderful shriek of delight. Makes you feel like a million bucks.
A Year In The Life:
(For an even bigger throwback, the video from 4 days after he was born:
Little side note: you always hear the transition from two kids to three is the hardest. I get that - not enough hands, more chaos. But I love being the mother of three - I feel so much more confident and have more faith than I did the first go around. I like that when the baby is up every 90 minutes at night, or throwing lots of fits, or whatever it is, that I know it is a phase and that it will end. Also, the cute baby things, I know will be grown out of, so I savor them more. There is more baby-talk, more cuddles, more stroller walks. Dave and I have loved, relished this little baby. Haggard and sleep-deprived that we are.
We love you Mr. Cute!
Heid this is the cutest video of all time. :) You all are just so cute! XOXO