Happy Birthday, Dave!
I have now celebrated...7 of your birthdays. The first one, back when we were young and rested, was an awkward affair - that stage before you're "official" and "have money" haha! I was falling for you hard but you hadn't asked me to be your girlfriend and so after much deliberation, I got you a store-bought over-sized cupcake and a...Spider Man cup? I'm not sure what that was about - did we watch Spider Man together, or something? All I remember is that it took me a long time to select that cup. And then that night you asked me to be your girlfriend, and we had our first kiss! I'm so glad we're "official" now. I can be as swoony as I want and no one can call me an idiot! So:
I love you so much! There is nothing worthy I can think of that you don't deserve and I am excited to help you build your dreams over a lifetime, as you have helped me build mine! You make the world a shinier, more hopeful place, and we are all so very lucky to have you. Thank you, you tall,
Well, this birthday I'll be working - we'll make it up this weekend- but at least your birthday present will be better than that first one! And you can kiss me any time you want ;) (I can say with 99% certainty that you haven't seen "Sweet Home Alabama," but that last phrase was from the movie. It applies.)
I look forward to a balcony serenade very soon.
Happy Birthday too you