Friday, April 28, 2017


It does a mother's heart good to see siblings having fun with each other. Sometimes they get a little rough (and it's not always Joe dishing it out! Henry often tries to lure Joe into rough-housing, as you will see here) but there is a deep adoration. For all their being almost four years apart, I see a lot of similarities between the Joe and Henry. They have the same kink in their hair on the top of their heads. They have similar taste in foods. They fight over the same cars and they both like to dance to a good beat. Both fall asleep on their own, and they love a good cuddle. Henry can't really talk yet, but he will babble a mile a minute to a willing audience, like his brother. And they both like to wrastle.

Of course when she's not at school, Riley is in the thick of the fray as well.

I saw a thing on Pinterest today.

I think I've actually posted about this thought before, back when Joe was a baby. Today it touched me again, and turned me back toward my blessings. I mean, I get grouchy. I try not to send too much negativity out there - too much of that in the world already - but whether I complain to you or not, I feel it. And I for sure take my blessings for granted. But this was a reminder to reflect and feel gratitude. I remember praying when I was young for the man who I would marry. Just like, hoping he was having a good day and that he had good friends and stuff. And now I know him and married him and am part of that equation! My children. My relationships with my siblings and friends. My relationship with myself. Fulfilling ways to spend my time and efforts.

Well, it's a roundabout way of saying, "I'm grateful for the little guys roughhousing on the floor."
And also, I'm going to keep praying :)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy 1st Birthday Henry!

One year. This year: this year, Henry has brought so much fun and love into our home. He is a cuddly little monster. Even his burgeoning fits of temper are pretty stinkin cute. He is so busy and curious and mobile, and if he is awake, he is ON. Baby Godzilla. How I love him. And so chatty! Not a sensible word as yet, but we have held many meaningful, in-depth conversations - his babbles have a lot more interest to me than, well...most coherent conversations. Smitten. We all are!

Here's some things about Henry:

  • First tooth: 6mo
  • Rolled: 4mo
  • First camping trip: 6mo 
  • Crawled: 7mo
  • Walked: 10.5mo
  • First swim: 3 weeks
  • First clap: today! He clapped today! All that birthday celebrating did it!
That felt a little braggy. How about this one:
  • Started sleeping through the night: never. He will never sleep through the night.
  • Bonks on the head: like a thousand. He is extremely tip-able.
  • Foods that he likes more than breast milk: 0 
Some of his interests include:
  • Rocking in his little rocking chair
  • Wrestling with his siblings
  • Dancing, even if just to the rhythm of the dishwasher
  • Bath time and water in general
  • Bacon
  • Remotes
  • Getting anyone to chase him (at least half the allure of the remotes)
  • Drawers, drawers, lids
  • Activities way beyond his abilities - if he sees brother or sister doing it, he wants to do it! Does not like being left out.
  • Welcoming home anyone that walks through the door - he has a very keen ear, and a wonderful shriek of delight. Makes you feel like a million bucks.
So what can I say? We'll keep him.

A Year In The Life:
What a fun year!
(For an even bigger throwback, the video from 4 days after he was born:

Little side note: you always hear the transition from two kids to three is the hardest. I get that - not enough hands, more chaos. But I love being the mother of three - I feel so much more confident and have more faith than I did the first go around. I like that when the baby is up every 90 minutes at night, or throwing lots of fits, or whatever it is, that I know it is a phase and that it will end. Also, the cute baby things, I know will be grown out of, so I savor them more. There is more baby-talk, more cuddles, more stroller walks. Dave and I have loved, relished this little baby. Haggard and sleep-deprived that we are.

 We love you Mr. Cute!