Sunday, November 25, 2012

Easy like sunday morning? Haha, good one.

That Lionel Richie was full of crap - Sunday mornings are fun and exciting times but about as easy as playing pick up sticks with your butt cheeks (um, that was from 'Planes, Trains, and Automobiles', a certain mother's favorite movie so... the crass saying stays.) Nevermind that we don't have church till one, we always find ample ways to fill the time. Have a few pictures from our day, beginning about 6:30am:

Joe comes into his own when he manages to tangle a fistful of Riley's hair around his fingers. 
She actually enjoyed it as much as he did.
Riley decides to "help" unpack Christmas decor:
We roust Dave from his slumbers so we can finish the tree together!
Good morning, starshine! The earth says, "Hello!" (we've been watching a lot of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lately. Someone maybe should get us new children's movies for Christmas.) 
Riley is nothing if not persistent. Gets it from Dave, I think - this battle of the wills lasted about ten minutes.
Daddy helping Riley hang the book bear.
Then Riley helping Joe, but not getting much interest from that quarter.
And finally: our beautiful, childproofed tree? We'll see...

Cupcakes for the my lesson today, complete with Christmas tree sprinkles.

And finally: getting dolled up for church. The moment I saw her unscrew the mascara and swipe it across her face kind of passed in horrified slow motion. 
Well THANKS, fine motor skill development - life just got a little more complicated.
Of course, add in all the usual stuff: breakfast, diapers, get spit up on, weather a candy-cane removal induced toddler meltdown, baths, lunch, vacuum crumbs by the tree (Riley's new favorite place to eat), launder for the sake of clean undies, and pack the diaper bag - add all that stuff and you would have a more complete account.

I guess the point is, if Lionel Richie were being honest, the song would go, "Easy like Sunday mornings before kids or church callings." Or, "Crazy like Sunday mornings." But EASY like Sunday morning?? I love your sweet jams, Lionel, but lets get real. Pick up sticks.

1 comment:

  1. We've been watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory a lot lately too! The girls break out into oompa loompa singing quite often. I myself quote the movie from time to time. I told them it was one of my favoritest movies ever, so I bought the $5 one from Wal-Mart and it was a hit. We watch the old one though.
    Dan wants to watch the newer one before he lets the kids see it. He's afraid the Abby might be scared of it since Johnny Depp is so creepy in it. I'm more worried that it will reinforce her fear of the dentist.
