Let me rephrase that: as of today, hell hath no fury like a sleep deprived, sick Riley. After her nap it was a solid hour of screaming, rolling on the floor, pushing Joe off my lap, biting me, and other such tantrum behavior. I managed to get the better part of a dose of tylenol down her finally, which I think helped, and I also prayed some fervent prayers, which I'm certain helped the both of us (I mean, I didn't end up locking myself in the closet to rock back and forth in a fetal position like I thought I might, which, honestly, was kind of a miracle.)
Yesterday's post also mentioned Joe's second-best friend, a stuffed lamb. His first bestie is of course Riley - no one can turn Joe's frown upside down like big sis.
Case in point: While I was fixing dinner tonight (after the hour-long apocalypse had resolved) Joe started fussing in his swing. So Riley instantly got in his face to say, "Hiiiiyaaa," real cheesy like, and suddenly he was all smiles again. They were so cute, I started videoing, right as Riley changed the game to "Squish the Baby," which turned out to be a bigger hit than you would have thought:
Could he be any happier??
Riley likes to be squished too. It's the darndest thing.
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