Friday, August 3, 2012

The Worst and Best Days of People's Lives

     Our lil' Joe is two weeks old today. Its weird. Two weeks in the life of a newborn means a lot of development. For example, he has grown an inch and a half and gained three ounces since birth. (Birth stats: 19 inches, 7 lbs. Current: 20.5 inches, 7 lbs 3 oz.) We know because he had his 2 week checkup yesterday. Ugh, they had to take a blood sample and the first heel prick didn't gush enough blood so they had to do a second one and poor little lamb! He was not impressed, in fact, we both were distraught by the end of the ten minutes it took them to get enough. The poor nurse was stressed too. I know because she had sweat beading on her forehead. It was sad all around, and the worst day of Joe's young life thus far.
     Anyways... Joe is more alert and focused and his thighs look less like matchsticks and more like, well, thighs - yeah! And he has phenomenal shooting range when his diaper is off and when I haven't thought to cover him with a towel - pee has been shot from our room into the hallway, and from the pack and play onto Riley's head - eek! Luckily, she is too young to be grossed out and scarred for life...we hope.
          Life is slowly normalizing - we have a routine that involves us all taking naps at the same time, Joe eating, 'playing' (his play just means being awake, looking at stuff, and enduring love pats from Riley), and sleeping regularly, and Riley getting out to play at least once a day. I am loving our double stroller and outings to the park and to see friends. One of our play dates this week became Riley's new "best day of her life" when she learned how to climb the slide and go down, by herself, into the kiddie pool. She was going for an hour and a half, till she could no longer lift her leg to climb the steps and had to lay her head down and rest. And even then she was sad to leave! We might have to invest in our own.
Nothing like a tiny baby snuggled up with his dad to melt your heart. Sigh...won't be this size for long! Maybe we should hurry up and have another one... Kidding! sheesh calm down - you have to wait at least six weeks after giving birth to even, ahem, pursue getting pregnant again ;)
"Oh, just thinking lots of wise things. You?"
Doesn't she make a beautiful mad scientist?
Captain of cheese! <3 She was saying "Taheehee," in case you were wondering.
Have a good weekend!

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