Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sibling Love

Riley is teething and CRAAANKY! At one point she was stomping around and growling (literally, growling) while ripping the scrabble instructions to bits. I pulled out the big guns and let her hold lil' Joe and it was instant flip mode - there is no bad mood bad enough to resist his charms.
 See - charming. And holding it together pretty well on the lap of a drooly toddler.
 And now she's holding my hand. Its all good, I'll just suck on my lip.
 Ok this chick is a crazy! MOM!
The dreaded lick-kiss. NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Riley felt much better after only about a minute of cuddling with Joseph - that's how he works. He, on the other hand, needed a little mood therapy himself after this session. But I didn't take pictures of that - it was boring, he just cuddled in my arms.

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