Yesterday we had a nice day together. Started out with Riley and I going to the gym - my last chance to work out for a month or so and Riley's to see her fellow mini gym rats. Then I went to the doctor, who told me that I was progressed to 3cm and that she thought the delivery would probably go really fast once I start pitocin and get my water broken. That would be great! Riley took 12 hours getting here and it was kind of boring. The past half hour I've had contractions about 9 minutes apart so that is promising. After the doctors, nap time, then Mom and Dad got here and gave us presents (Riley finally has a rocking chair of her very own and she is estatic), and took us to dinner along with Em's new husband, Chris. We had a nice visit and then turned in for an early evening to get some rest before the big day. Which is today! Now I just need the hospital to call us! They said they start calling around 5:30. Its 5:38. Jeopardy music has been playing in my head since I got up at 5. In the meantime I am re-watching this ridiculousness that Dave shared with me last night:
That was a great video and I can't wait to meet little Emilio... I mean Joe...