Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here Ya Go, Cyber Void

     I feel like. I want to. Ok, I am too lazy to get up and get my journal, or the camera, but I want to get some thoughts out there and oh hello the computer is right here! So, a picture-less blog post it is. Its been a tiring few days. I am lucky to have had a really healthy pregnancy and everything is progressing well toward due date, one week from tomorrow, but I just gotta say I would love to have this baby tonight. Maybe its the stretch marks that have just presented themselves (never had em on my belly before) or the fat feet and ankles (new today too), or the Dr. telling me we could induce tomorrow (decided to wait for due date though).
      I guess its a good thing today was Dave's day off and Suzette offered to babysit so we could go out - I needed a date with the hubby. Its nice to hold hands and talk about inconsequentials, have ice cream and a movie and drive around in our 'stang (Dave had a minor collision - other guys fault - and so we got this charger as a replacement while the jeep is in the shop). We saw Moonrise Kingdom and it was just the thing - I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and thought the main character, "the least-popular a significant margin," was totally awesome and refreshingly original. I can see our kids being totally original and awesome too. Riley already is. If you've endured my babbling so far, you deserve some cute stories:
       In the past few days Riley has given me a wet willy and pantsed me while I was kneeling against the couch, the little bully. When we had family prayer yesterday morning I peeked to see what shinanigans she was up to and wouldn't you know it but she had her hands clasped like ours and her eyes squinted almost shut as she paced around and around us. Then Dave kissed me goodbye to head to work and she came over for a kiss too but last minute stuck her tongue out and that's what I got to kiss. Oh it was pretty disgusting but gave us all a good laugh. When I picked her up from the gym's daycare today the attendants told me that she is the most social baby - that she is constantly making the rounds so she can be a part of all the games and interact with all the other 15 or so kids. Maybe a reason God gave us her is to inspire me to be more friendly and interested in people - Riley is definitely superior that way.
       I can't wait till we have this awesomeness squared - two little nuts to love and laugh at. With. There now, I feel much better than two paragraphs ago - nothing like spilling your brains into writing!

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