Thursday, August 13, 2015


As in 5 years have we been married! "Ah well, we survived the 5th year too," said Suzette. haha! I have been working on a Zion post from last week, but I have to take a break to reflect for a moment.


I'm not going to be able to do this without cliches feels like we only just got married. It also feels like we have known each other a lot longer. (We haven't. We dated for about three months before we got engaged. 3.) I still get a thrill looking at him - he is the most attractive man on the planet. Especially when he is playing with the kids.  Or when he is puzzling over some quandry I have set him. Or when he is sitting in a fro yo shop, in a blue suit, top button on his shirt open and tie loosened up. I love that man, and sometimes, like when I have melt downs and moods, I think, "I'm really lucky to have him, what a saint." And then he leaves his wet towel on the bed sugars up the kids before bed or screws the toothpaste lid on so tight I get red imprints in my fingers trying to wrench it open and I'm like, "Nah, he's lucky to have me." Lol I kid, I joke - we are both really lucky to have each other every day.

This morning I randomly woke up at 5:30 and at 6:15 admitted defeat and got up and went for a walk. The first song on my iPod was Say Hey (I Love You) which happens to be one of our songs. Dave might not realize it, but it is! It's from the soundtrack of "Valentines Day" which is what we saw on the date Dave fell in love with me. Or something. Decided he wanted to marry me. It was also playing in the hotel lobby on our wedding night! How is that for coincidence? And now whenever I hear that I feel like a starry-eyed newly wed again. That and anything by Taylor Swift. It's fun to remember those times.
But I'm not really a newly wed anymore and that's ok. I like us where we're at. I like being a crochety old know-it-all. Marriage has taught me so much! Like how to temper my words and apologize when I forget. Like how much I don't know! Marriage has been very good for me. Thank you Dave! I am lucky to go through life with such a kind, generous man. I like seeing life through your eyes, being less quick to judge and more likely to give.
Well, it will be an accomplishment if I manage to surprise you at this point - you know me too well - but I have a surprise for you. You're gonna like it! And if not, well life is full of surprises, isn't it? Here's to another five, ten, fifty and beyond years of surprises with you!

One more song for today, and every day: How Long Will I Love You?


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