We left Minnesota. Tears all around but it is wonderful to have had such a great experience that we were sad to see it end.
I get quite sentimental about things these days, I surprise myself. The other day Dave snorted when I said, "...and I never cry over movies but this one made me cry!" and I realized I needed to stop saying that. The pre-mother me never used to cry over movies. Somewhere along the way my heart has gotten a little more tender. Anyways, saying good bye is getting harder too, I think. I avoided it altogether with a lot of people but the ones I did get left a lump in my throat. (So thanks, Linda, lady friend from church who stopped by with roadtrip snacks, for the tear fest! Geez louise.)
After a stressful week of packing and moving out, a family vaca to a cabin on the lakes is just what the doctor ordered. It is the most relaxed setting I can imagine. The company didn't hurt either.
And when we had enough relaxation, we went into town for Summer Fest.
The second last hurrah with these friends :) |
All too soon we were packing the car again and headed out, at 4am, to make the long trek to UT. We were excited to see UT again - friends and family and wedding and our old haunts are there - but my heart was a little heavy as we drove through misty lake country, watching the sun rise and wondering when we would be back. Oh we'll be back, MN! You have been too sweet not to merit at least a visit now and again. Thank you for a beautiful two year! Sometimes they've been hard, but we have learned and grown together as a family and that is a true blessing. I suppose the same will be said no matter where we go (where will we go?) but Minnesota will always have a special place in my heart.
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