Also: pictures and sentiments:
He asked for a bacon cake - I did my best. |
And Riley, I mean Joe, made out like a bandit!
Genetics! It's hard to imagine a son being more like his father (maybe one day we'll have a ginger?) than Joe is with his. Their tastes and manerisms are weirdly similar. Identical, sometimes. Bacon! Peanut butter and jelly! Man music! Dancing! Puzzles! Coke! Oh my gosh, coke. Dave gives him a cap-full from time to time and Joe lusts after that sweet nectar like it is pure gold. He caught site of a coke on our way out the door this morning and was still begging for it when we got to church.
Anyways, I adore his Dad so what I see reflected in Joe - the good and the...interesting - always makes me smile. But he's got my eyes. So there.
He has many stand-out qualities though, where ever he got them. He gives the best hugs! He isn't scared of anything, and he likes to help out the babies at church.
He also screams like a banchee and likes to step on bugs, but we're workin' on it. I told him the other day that he should be nice to the bugs and let them go home to their families. He said, "They don't got any families!" and smashed another one. Oh, and he loooves candy and tries varied means to obtain it. "Mom," he said at breakfast, "Would you please go downstairs and get me 5 gummi bears?" Didn't even look up from his cereal, was so casual and cool about it. "Sure no, what?"
We love him all though.
One more to take us out, in case you haven't had your fill. Riley and Joe have the best times together - I hope they will always be that close!