Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Today we celebrate fathers and father-figures everywhere. Dads. Grandpas. There is absolutely no substitute for a good dad. I should know. As the recipient of all the benefits of having an amazing Dad, Grandpas, and marrying a guy who, turnes out, is an outstanding father, I humbly claim "expert" status. Based on my personal experience, here is what makes a great dad.

1) Loves spending time with his kids, and they know it. My dad has 48 hours in a day, apparently. He worked full time, bishop'd full time, and somehow made time for each of his eight kids. I remember Daddy-daughter dates - what we ate and the activities (ice for pound puppies...)  breakfasts in the kitchen, making stuffing together at Thanksgiving and the candy bar on the dashboard for me when he picked me up from sports. I remember late nights helping me with calculus (boo!) and long weekends working on science fair projects. Times it all by eight, and you have barely an inkling of the ways he has been so present for so many.
"In family relationships, "love" is really spelled "T.I.M.E." ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

 And no one loves spending time with his kids more than Dave. He adores is babies and is rightfully "the fun one" - there is no end of adventures to have and trouble to get into! The feeling is mutual, as evidenced by the sadness when he leaves. Once when he was getting ready to go, Riley asked me, "Can you do something nice for Dad so he won't go to school?" Haha um...One: not why he goes to school. And two: I do nice things for him all the time! I told her he actually goes to school so he can take care of us, but I don't know if she was convinced.

2) Great dads inspire their kids. I look to my dad's example for all sorts of things. Gospel things, work ethic things, family relationship things... When I became a parent, he said something about how having children make you want to be a better person so you can teach them by example. Of course, according to his mother, my dad has always been a precious angel, but as a dad, I couldn't ask for a better role model. Here he is in his Christmas get-up preparing to take meals to a some people he's had on his mind over the holidays. One of those people has a mental disability that makes him very childlike and he loves it when Santa shows up on his door step with goodies every year.
 Riley and Joe were likewise blessed with a daddy who loves to serve others and is role model on living a good life. Such a genuinely good person - the kind that gives to the needy without judging, is always one to show up when someone needs help moving in or loading up, finds joy in the little things in life (cookies) and asks for so little (cookies). Works his tail off for his family and would do anything for them. He inspires me, that's what!

 3) “The most important thing a father can do for his [daughter] is to love [her] mother.” Source here. I heard this quote from a really great General Conference talk and it's something I'd never pin pointed before, but makes a lot of sense, as my Dad is practically perfect and he does this very thing! :) We might have gagged, but all during growing up, the first thing we saw our dad do when he walked in the door was bee line to our mom and give her a big kiss, maybe a pinch too, if he really wanted to gross us out. Their love is epic and undeniable. Maybe that's why it never occurred to me to marry anyone one who treated me less than I deserved and needed! I guess I kind of have my awesome dad to thank for my awesome husband. They certainly share a lot of qualities: hard-working, fun, kind... Texan...and the way they love their wives! I suspect our love will be as sweet and seasoned as theirs in forty years, but in our five, it is already a huge blessing and support through my life, and in the lives of our children. Riley knows he's my prince (or hans, as she calls it), and will likewise know she deserves the best kind of love in a marriage. Someday very very far away.

 And that's about all I want to say this morning. My heart is full and I am profoundly grateful for Dad. Thank you doesn't begin to cover it but: Thank You! I love you more than I can say! Dave: Riley and Joe adore you. Thank you for making their little worlds so magical. Love you!
 *#TellThem for more Father's Day feels!

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