Monday, September 22, 2014

Gentle awakenings

If you think your Monday was rough, just know that Dave got woken up by a bra-cape wearing Superman bouncing on his spine.
*Filmed by an innocent, non-interferring bystander.
*The cape/strangle-hazard was removed directly after.

Superman was something they picked up in preschool; one day they just came home and every blanket, jacket and dishtowel (or handy undergarment...) became a cape and every couch and chair a launch site. We like preschool. They have a great time with their gang of mini-scholars, and I have a great time all by myself! Today I knocked out three loads of laundry and cleaned the house and it stayed clean for hours! It's the little things, people.

I also packed a picnic so we could go out right after they were done to enjoy this amazing first official day of fall. The trees are starting to change and the temperature has been right around 70 with a delicious breeze. It is a great time to be in MN! We went to Como Lake for a walk, to be followed by the zoo and playground. Unfortunately, potty training is hard and accidents happen, sometimes catching you unprepared. Plus Joe kind of fell in lake (he does that.) So we had to go home after our walk, but the hour we got was perfect.

We did go to the zoo last week however. Free carousel ride day! We also had to go check out the new baby zebras, polar bears and giraffe.
In other news, I joined a gym last week. I am a big fan of gyms: I am one of those who needs a designated place and time for exercise, and needs the exercise for her emotional well-being and to simply keep up with these bonkers kids. They have such boundless energy! Maybe I should start sleeping 12 hours a night too.

What I really need to blog about is Jon's wedding though. Last weekend, no, two weekend's ago! He and Mira got married in the Salt Lake temple and I got to go. Alas, my super slow internet is not equipped to handle that mountain of photos to do it justice, so it'll keep till I make it to the library one day..


  1. Interesting take on body slamming!

    1. Maybe he'll be a professional wrestler some day! He's already got the beginnings of a great costume!
