Saturday, July 12, 2014

Buy me some peanuts and

I don't know if I'll ever come back!

Tuesday evening we took the kids to Coors field with a bunch of people from Dave's work to see the Colorado Rockies beat the Padres. Riley was ecstatic when I told her we were going to a baseball game with Dad (less excited when she realized Dad was not actually playing...) and Joe was thrilled as well, but more over his early birthday present - a backpack.
He is big into dogs lately - pretends to be one at least twice a day - and he has been coveting Riley's backpack pretty hard core so I thought this was a good time to give him his own, and then have them both carry their own snacks and drinks and little toys in their packs. I think he relished it bouncing along behind him as he trotted everywhere.
Can you tell how grown-up they feel? This was before Joe started barking.

At Coors Field!
Ruff ruff! At the most inconvenient times!
It's a beautiful skyline, isn't it? Dave tells me that the thin purple line near the top of the stands marks the 'mile-high' line. Denver really enjoys their mile-highness, let me tell you.
Welp, enough baseball - after three innings (enough to see a homerun!) we went to get some icecream of the future and funnel cake.
And here Riley races some boys to the top of the stadium playground.
The babies' first night out on the town - how they loved it. Very grown up indeed.

 Now wouldn't you think that would be worth an hour of sleeping in the next day? After all that excitement and getting to bed a full three hours past bedtime? You would, wouldn't you? But no! 6:30 am, or earlier, every day no matter what! Well, Riley slept in a little. I guess Joe just looks forward to some one-on-one time every morning. He is always so happy, trotting into my room and ramming my glasses on my face.

A few more silly pictures from this week:
Joe wanted Riley's sunglasses so she found a sunglasses sticker to appease him. He kept feeling his forehead to make sure it was still there.

Riley found a 'pwetty pwincess' headband at target and has been dressing to the nines ever since. Very classy week.
 We had a rainstorm yesterday. I love the rain! We watched it on our balcony with ice cream cones and I thought, "this is living." Truly, it is the little things, isn't it? In my head this week has been 'For the Beauty of the Earth'- the lyrics keep popping up. The beauty of the earth, of the skies (I was in a grumpy mood one morning, but the song made me look up at the gorgeous blue sky and poof - all better, it was amazing. I should note, this ease in mood may be due in part to a change in birth control - those hormones can wreak havoc.) For the joy in human love; how sweet are cuddles from my often-ridiculous but owners-of-my-heart children and husband, phone calls with my parents and siblings, warm welcomes from strangers at church. There is much to be grateful for.

And now we are off on a walk while the morning is still cool. Happy Saturday to ya.


  1. Maybe I should try wearing sunglasses stickers on my head?!

  2. Your kids totally crack me up! It makes me wish we had had one closer to Nikolai's age so they could be best buddies like your two are. They seem like a total riot.

    1. They crack me up too! They also drive me insane sometimes - I just don't write about that so much :)

    2. I've basically started assuming that everyone's kids drive them insane sometimes (because if I don't assume that then I think I'm the only one!). Isn't it great that they're sweet sometimes to balance out the crazy? :)
