Monday, March 3, 2014

It's a birthday!

This year my partner in crime, the man of my dreams, turned 33.
So here are some birthday gifs for Dave (which you might need to click on to get them to work...):

Oh, you wanted gifts?
Shoot. Better luck next year.

Applicable Modern Family situation here.
Claire: "Yeah but you're so hard to buy for!"

Phil: "Things I want: robot dog, night vision goggles, bug vacuum, GPS watch, speakers that look like rocks. I love my wife but she sucks at giving gifts. I'm sorry for the pay-channel language. Oh - yogurt maker! I can't not think of things I want!"
Any one else out there that relate to this? I think it fits us to a "t"! Boys and their toys...that's what I say. The year we had Christmas in Vegas, all the boys/men got remote controlled helicopters and it was like a kid in a candy shop - they were ecstatic!

I guess guys aren't that hard to buy for - I just over-analyze what I am giving I think. If we were millionaires, I'd get him a pony or something and it would be easy. Also, if he was a girl - that would make it easier. He/she would be more likely to keep a Pinterest account and all I would have to do would go check out his "my style" board or "someone buy me this" board. (Pst - boys! Learn about your wife's Pinterest account! Your gift-giving problems will be over forever!)

As it is, I usually end up giving him socks and making him a creatively weird card. This year Riley and Joe helped. They painted cards and pictures for him using nothing but their fingers and some empty toilet paper rolls.

The rest of this post will be black and white. Old and classy. Like Dave. Haha.
Then Riley took his gift-wrapped socks into his room early in the morning, insisting he open them "right now!" Sleep fogged Dave said, "open them now?" and she said, "Okay!" and ripped them open for him. Riley likes birthdays.
Handsomest bed-head I've ever seen.
To us!
We also did a little celebrating at the Mall of America. We rode some rides and ate some fried grease.

It was a pretty fun, relaxing weekend and it was awesome to spend so much time together, sans homework and other responsibilities, and celebrate Dave's 33 years of making the world a better place. Truly we are lucky to have him! He is one of the few genuinely accepting, nonjudgmental people I know. He's a hard worker, an amazing dad, and chock-full of quirky, loving personality. I thank God for him everyday.

Happy Birthday, Dave!

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