Monday, January 20, 2014

A Song and a Dance

The snow continues to build.
Here is what we do about it:
Mall play places are our friends. Here is Riley faking a need for help climbing this bridge, to get this boy's attention. It worked, I admit - they played for a long time.
Watching football - Dave is starting him young.
And today we ventured to the bookstore to get Riley some flash cards because she is recently obsessed with the alphabet. Ten times a day, at least, she quirks her head at me and asks, "Hey Mom? Abc'bs?" and we sing the song together. She also writes the letter "m" over and over again because it is the first one she has written on her own and she is excited. It is only a little creepy to find it on scrawled repeatedly throughout the house.
 Once at the bookstore, Riley came over to Dave and said that she had a stinky butt, and also her pants were wet. Unfortunately, she had earlier removed her diaper and replaced her pants with out telling us...ah the joys of potty training... After that she was pantless for a while, till we got her a new pair at Marshalls. 
And then there she is hogging all the fro yo.
Afterwards, Riley passed out for one her increasingly-rare naps. Holla!
 That was a whole lotta Riley. Joe was there too, in the role of the more easy, go-with-the-flow child (they take turns). But he definitely is doing his bit to keep us entertained. Here he is break-dancing like a boss.
 And cooking up furbies for dinner.
Dave starts back to school tomorrow and we are really going to miss him. But after a six-week break, you try to suck it up and not complain too much. :)

I am glad to have such good company at home, albiet company that has me pleasantly ready for bed by eight thirty every night. Who knew being a mom was so physically, sometimes emotionally, exhausting? As satisfying as it is to fall asleep before your head hits the pillow, I needed me-time last Saturday and Dave sooo rose to the occasion.

He took the kids out Saturday morning so I could put some checks on my to-do list, and do a work-out video without anyone sitting on my back while I did push-ups (or rather, tried). Hubby returned, bouquet in hand, just in time for me to take a shower and then head out for a little retail therapy, while they stayed home for naps or whatever. I didn't spend a lot - I'd say I bought just enough half-priced sweaters and Reese's eggs to feel some autonomy again. The home-cooked dinner when I got back was icing on the cake.

That Dave, he gets me. I am the one home taking care of babies most of the time, but he is the one taking care of me. I've said it before and I'll say it again - he is the rock around here.

Oh hey I just realized we are 2/3rds of the way through January! Cheers!

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