Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"It's a kilt! Sickos!"

We had snow this week. SNOW! No accumulation but it was enough to get us excited and keep our snotty noses indoors. It is that special time of year when you have to get a little more creative, lest your subordinates turn on each other. We bake, we have playdates, we color on all different surfaces, we try stuff from Pinterest, stuff way too weird for me to ever think up on my own.
I love rounding a corner to see a baby giggling to himself over a stolen cookie.
Pipe cleaners, colander, and Cheerios. Pinterest idea, clearly.

Turned hat. Riley idea, obviously.
Bitter parenting sacrifice #1: letting babies have the brownie batter bowl. 
Riley was so emphatic with her, "Mm-mmmm- it's deLICious, Mommy!" 
that I minded sharing slightly less.
Riley recently came into a second tutu (thanks, Mom!) and Joe goes running for the original when he sees her wearing one. It IS rather fabulous. And Dave WAS rather late getting home from studying today so...clearly I am not one to deny a little boy some dress-up time.

We'll see if Dave lets me continue on as full time caregiver.

 And that was our day. Nothing special but every now and then I notice these kids growing up on me, and then behold, another 'nothing special' blog post is born. Its good - it helps me appreciate my everyday blessings. "Someone is praying for the things you take for granted," is the quote that comes to mind.

 I wonder if anyone else was praying for someone to share their brownie batter with this evening?

If you ever find yourself in that situation, you may call me anytime. Day or night cause I'm chill like that. :) xoxo

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