Thursday, August 29, 2013

Riley's Battle Scars

Have I told you we have been doing whatever Riley wants since she got this nice shiner at the playground on Monday? I feel so bad for her!  I am pretty sure she forgot about it a minute after it happened, and has been living life to the fullest all week, but it really is a looker!

This is what our babies are doing RIGHT NOW - at five thirty! I have a feeling it is going to be a late night.

Riley "helped" me make rolls and then hunkered down for a chat with mickey mouse. Just in case I didn't know that she observes every. single. thing I do.

She is a fun su-chef, by the way - every time I added flour to the dough we were kneading, she would stick in a finger and lick it off and say, "Its yummy, Mommy!" and then discreetly spit the flour out in a dish towel. May she flatter me forever!

The rolls were whole wheat and pretty delicious if you care to try. Recipe here.

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