Sunday, May 5, 2013

Just Another Day in Par-a-diiise ♪♫

I've been in kind of a country mood lately. That happens when I start thinking summer.

May! The month started with SNOW, but calmed down nicely for the weekend. Saturday dawned blessedly warm and pleasant, and Dave was sweet enough to take the babies downstairs so I got a little lie-in. Then a haircut. Then a donut. Then we all lounged around. Naked, in Joseph's case. He had a bit of diaper rash so we were letting him air out some, and you KNOW of course that meant eventually Riley's toys got peed on and she spent the rest of the morning shoving blankets and towels into his lap.

As fun as that was...we finally got ourselves out the door and went to check out a potential new car. It was a big Tahoe, and we are still undecided. After that, we headed up to Salt Lake to see Em and explore City Creek and Temple Square. On the way we passed a car wash with a bunch of Tongan guys and I thought, "football fundraiser," when in fact it was a Missionary Fundraiser. Awww - made me miss UT for a second, and we have not even left yet.
There were insane amounts of gorgeous flower in TS. Tons of brides as well. One of the grooms just happened to be Elder McKean, from my mission! Small world, here in happy valley!

Everyone was pretty worn out by the time we got home. We actually had peanut butter crackers and milk for dinner. And no one minded at all! Makes me wonder why I ever bother cooking. Well I suppose we'd be at risk for scruvy or something if we had crackers for dinner every night. Still, easy is good once in a while.

Joe was asleep well before seven.

I love a sleeping chubby baby. With their velvet-soft skin and sweet little mouths and dimpled arms and legs, there is nothing more beautiful.
Oh yes, and this happened. Again.
Then there was Prom! Chris and Adriana (Aka Frenchie. Aka from France.) dropped by on their way to say hi and stun Riley with their beauty.

Riley would happily have accompanied them to the dance, but, alas, babies have early bedtimes. Only 15 more years, sweetheart, and then it will be your turn. And if I can get Adriana's dress for you, I will! Gorgeous!  Her dad picked it out - how sweet is that?! And then HIS played driver for the night! It completely melts my heart, I really just can't stand it. Daddies represent!

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