Joe and Megan were instant friends. I think they have kindred humor - he was grinning as soon as she started talking to him. Joe really has come into his silly self, and he is always humoring us. Like when we were skyping with our VA family and we kept him flying in and out of the screen - he loved it!
Andrea stayed with sleepy Joe while we all took Riley to a nearby park with some good hills. I love a wintery afternoon - the snow muffles everything and it becomes so serene. It makes you want to crunch through the woods thinking peaceful thoughts. Or zoom down the slopes laughing life a maniac, which is what we did.
SNOWBOARDING: It's one of those things that you get super excited before, scary mad when you are learning, and cautiously excited again when you start to get the hang of it. Like...crochet.
When we got off the lift at the top of the slope I witnessed a horrendous collision of a snowboarder and a grandpa on skiis (he was - the little boy with him cried out, "Grandpa are you ok?" and it was sad) because the snowboarder wasn't looking where he was going. Everyone was ok I guess but it made me nervous and more apt to fall over if I got going to fast. But the second trip down I got confident enough to relax and stand a little straighter and then it got fun.
It was a sunny 13 degrees. |
I spent a lot of time doing this face. |
And the boys spent a lot of time hauling us up. |
It was beautiful. You can't see it but glittery snow was blowing down most of the trip - it was magical. |
Um yes, I wore Dave's pants and Kyle's coat. But at least I was warm! I hope my ski coat turns up some day... |
I always mean to go but since I've lived in UT, I have only been up to see the lights at Christmas maybe two times. Luckily, we had out-of-towners and of course had to go! It was FREEZING! That was kind of the theme this week, actually. Family and freezing. But it was worth every frostbit finger! I am all over that alliteration today.
Which one is still wearing his under armor from snow boarding? (hint: who is happier to be in 0 degree weather?) |
Aaaaaand we blazed through a bottle of baby tylenol - Riley and Joe were busy cultivating the plague all through the festivities - Kyle and Megan left to go back to TX and then I took Riley to the Dr. and got her medicine for strep. So far no one else seems to have gotten that, so that's good. But we all have a bit of cold. Our babies haven't been well at the same time for over a month now and its time to take measures: Purelling everything that moves, no more day care, vitamins and ginger on the menu, etc. Sick babies are the sadest. They do enjoy the milkshake they get as a vehicle for gross medicine, though...
On Resolutions: I don't usually do them but I'm going to carry over from Thanksgiving the goal to live in thanksgiving daily (from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin's talk). I continue to feel that is one of the most important things for me to work on. I think God is the most grateful being there is - He is even grateful for nice things you do for others, and I think I can get closer to God by cultivating the quality of being grateful. It shouldn't be hard - I have so much to be thankful for, but it takes a little pausing and recognizing, or all that goodness is for naught.
I am so grateful for medicine, Dave's delicious concoctions, Riley's cuddles, and having day-umn good reasons to get out of bed early every morning (cause I got these babies).
Onward, 2013!
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