Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lucky our men look good in pink

 Dear Joe and his pink hand-me down toys! I mean, he kind of rocks em, so it's ok. Isn't he studdly?

Don't you LOVE him? He is the sweetest - it's such a beautiful age! Toddlers are sweet too, but have a little, zing to them.

Joe is 5 months old today. And Riley is 18 months - her half birthday! To celebrate, she threw a bowl and a glass off the table for a very satisfying shatter and watched Charlie Brown's Christmas four times (she likes the dancing I think, and maybe enjoys seeing cartoons with her same proportions).

 Dave couldn't join the fun because he had food poisoning from our delicious mexican meal last night. Poor guy! His knees are sore for kneeling over the porcelain throne all night - ouch and ick. He stoically went to work this morning, but had to come home after a few hours and we have been nursing him on ginger ale, jello, and tylenol ever since. May we all get a good nights rest tonight!

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