Wednesday, October 17, 2012

About That Soup

Second blog post of the day! But it has been a day, and I wanted to update on that last post, wherein I mentioned soup. Wow - I have such gripping material! Anyways, its been a day for the babies. First, I did a little crafting with a friend, whose five-month old daughter tried to hold Joe's hand (he didn't mind) and who Riley almost suffocated with cuddles.

Later Riley's two little buds, a boy and a girl, came and played for a couple hours and let me tell you, it's not a party till there are three one year olds and an infant! They are hilarious. Well, the little boy was sad for a while after his mom left so the two girls crowded around him patting him on the back, shoving their binkies in his mouth and giving him kisses. Which looked kind of like bites, so I intervened at that point.

After the toddlers dispersed we had our Carrot Ginger Soup and grilled cheese. I thought it was delicious. Riley thought it was delicious. Dave, unfortunately, did feel that being shot in the face would be preferable to eating pureed carrots and ginger. However, I like his looks and anyways who wants to be the girl that shoots her husband's face? I was happy to eat his bowlful as well as mine. Which means in one sitting, I ate 1.5 pounds of carrots.

Guess I don't have to eat any more vegetables this week. Month. I might though - I might just make this soup again tomorrow, I liked it so much! Reminded me of something I had at Soupernova in Lancaster, England (one of those artsy soup joints common in more urbanized areas). So yeah, I'd recommend it. Unless you are Dave.

 And now (drum roll): Joseph blowing bubbles on cue!

And some senseless babble to wrap things up:

I like having babies around. Conversation is a little one-sided, and I get puked on more than I would like, but other than that we have a lovely time together. And thanks for coming over, friends - we love seeing you !

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