Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pretty Pictures of the Best Time of Year

       After Joseph's 2 month appointment today (oh yeah, he is perfectly healthy, in the 75th percent for height and 50th for weight, and is now 3 vaccinations stronger, not that either of us enjoyed that part) we went for a drive into the canyons to see the "riot of color." I used this phrase three times in an hour, Dave tells me. hahaha oh my goodness there is no excuse for me - I'm a cheese monster. was gorgeous and we spent a glorious couple of hours in the mountains, saw some hang-gliders, off-roaded a bit, and played in the leaves. And took lots and lots of pictures:
Riley's "chase me" face.
So we did.
Riley and Nature really hit it off. She was elated with it all.

One of my favorite things about parenting is watching these babies discovering things. Like crunchy leaves and wind in the trees. It's awesome.
Riley discovering leaves with her face.
Poor darlin' tried to run through the leaves and tripped on a root.

Shots shmots - nothing a bed of crunchy leaves can't cure!

PS: After a long night, you would think he would want to grump but he prefers to work this dopey smile.
I do not know where he gets it from.

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